7 research outputs found

    Frequency of intestinal parasites and evaluation of methods for their diagnosis in a marginal community of Medellin, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: Intestinal parasitism is still a public health problem. It has not been thoroughly studied in Medellin, Colombia. Objective: To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in residents of a marginal community in Medellin and to evaluate the validity, efficiency and reliability of direct examination in its diagnosis. Methods: Cross-sectional study and evaluation of diagnostic tests. Data were collected from a primary information source. Proportions with their confidence intervals were calculated; non-parametric statistical tests and analysis of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, negative likelihood ratio and kappa were done. Results: Prevalence of parasites, according to the results of the concentration test, was 74.4%. Evaluation was done for intestinal parasites in general and for the following categories: protozoa, helminthes, commensals and pathogens. Sensitivity war over 68%, specificity and positive predictive value were 100%, negative predictive value was over 74%, negative likelihood ratio was less than 0.32, kappa was greater than 0.77 and efficiency was over 90%. Conclusion: Prevalence of intestinal parasitism is as high as it was three decades ago; its solution needs prompt and effective intervention of health authorities. The tests available for its study, including direct examination of stools, are of high diagnostic value.RESUMEN: Las parasitosis intestinales siguen siendo un problema de salud p煤blica, que ha sido poco estudiado en Medell铆n, Colombia. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de parasitismo intestinal en habitantes de una comunidad marginal de Medell铆n y evaluar la validez, el desempe帽o, la eficiencia y la confiabilidad del examen directo en su diagn贸stico. Materiales y m茅todos: estudio transversal y de evaluaci贸n de pruebas diagn贸sticas con fuente de informaci贸n primaria. Se calcularon las proporciones con su intervalo de confianza y se hicieron pruebas de estad铆stica no param茅trica y an谩lisis de sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos, raz贸n de verosimilitud negativa y kappa. Resultados: la frecuencia global de par谩sitos, seg煤n el examen por concentraci贸n, fue 74,4%; la evaluaci贸n se hizo para parasitismo general y para las categor铆as protozoos, helmintos, comensales y pat贸genos; se hallaron sensibilidad superior al 68%, especificidad y valor predictivo positivo del 100%, valor predictivo negativo mayor de 74%, raz贸n de verosimilitud negativa menor de 0,32, kappa superior a 0,77 y eficiencia superior al 90%. Conclusi贸n: el problema del parasitismo intestinal amerita una pronta intervenci贸n por parte de las autoridades sanitarias dado que su frecuencia sigue siendo tan elevada como hace tres d茅cadas y las pruebas disponibles para estudiarlo, incluyendo el examen directo de la materia fecal, tienen alto valor diagn贸stico

    Descripci贸n de la microbiota bacteriana residente en el bios贸lido generado en la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales San Fernando. Itag眉铆, Colombia

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    Objetivo Caracterizar la microbiota bacteriana presente en los bios贸lidos generados en una de las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales m谩s grande de Colombia.Materiales y M茅todos Se utiliz贸 la plataforma de secuenciamiento 454 de la compa帽铆a Roche para secuenciar las regiones variables V1-V3 y V6-V9 del marcador molecular 16S rRNA y caracterizar la microbiota. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron estrategias filogen茅ticas para la identificaci贸n de especies bacterianas de importancia.Resultados Nuestros an谩lisis muestran que los Phyla m谩s abundantes son Chloroflexi, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria y Firmicutes. Los g茅neros clasificados m谩s abundantes fueron Pseudomonas, Dysgonomonas y Proteiniphilum. Sin embargo, el grupo dominante seg煤n la regi贸n variable V1-V3 es una Anaerolineaceae que no se ajusta a las especies descritas para esta familia.Conclusiones En las muestras de bios贸lido analizadas predominan bacterias ambientales que participan en los procesos de estabilizaci贸n de la materia org谩nica durante los tratamientos biol贸gicos de tipo secundario y la digesti贸n anaerobia. Se detectaron secuencias de especies dentro de la familia Anaerolineaceae, los an谩lisis filogen茅ticos muestran que probablemente se trata de especies no descritas. En el momento del estudio, se encontr贸 que en el sistema de digesti贸n anaerobia se genera biosolido con una baja carga de bacterias potencialmente pat贸genas.Objective To describe bacterial microbiota in the biosolids generated in one of the largest wastewater treatment plants of Colombia.Materials and Methods Using NGS technology, 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon libraries were amplified and sequenced. The Roche 454 FLX Titanium platform was used, while the V1-V3 and V6-V9 hypervariable regions were amplified and analyzed independently. Amplicon processing and bacterial classification were performed using the AmpliconNoise pipeline and the RDP Classifier tool.Results The analysis showed that the most dominant Phyla in the biosolids were Chloroflexi, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The most dominant genera were Pseudomonas, Dysgonomonas and Proteiniphilum; however, the dominant group according in the V1-V3 variable region was Anaerolineaceae, which does not conform to the species described for this family. Pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli/Shigella were not detected in the studied biosolid sample.Conclusions In the biosolids samples analyzed, environmental bacteria involved in organic matter stabilization processes during secondary biological treatments and anaerobic digestion were predominant. One of the dominant species in this sludge is a novel species of the Anaerolineaceae group. At the time of the study, it was found that the anaerobic digester system was able to maintain pathogenic bacteria at very low concentrations

    Intestinal parasitic infection alters bacterial gut microbiota in children

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    The study of the burden that parasites can exert upon the bacterial gut microbiota was restricted by the available technologies and their costs. Currently, next-generation sequencing coupled with traditional methodologies allows the study of eukaryotic parasites (protozoa and helminths) and its effects on the human bacterial gut microbiota diversity. This diversity can be altered by a variety of factors such as age, diet, genetics and parasitic infections among others. The disturbances of the gut microbiota have been associated with a variety of illnesses. Children population in developing countries, are especially susceptible to parasitic infections because of the lack of proper sanitation and undernutrition, allowing both, the thriving of intestinal parasites and profound alteration of the gut microbiota. In this work, we have sampled the stool of 23 children from four different children鈥檚 care-centers in Medellin, Colombia, and we have identified the eukaryotic parasites by traditional and molecular methodologies coupled with microbial profiling using 16S rDNA sequencing. This mixed methodology approach has allowed us to establish an interesting relationship between Giardia intestinalis and helminth infection, having both effects upon the bacterial gut microbiota enterotypes, causing a switch from a type I to a type II enterotype upon infection

    Frequency of intestinal parasites and evaluation of methods for their diagnosis in a marginal community of Medellin, Colombia = Frecuencia de par谩sitos intestinales y evaluaci贸n de m茅todos para su diagn贸stico en una comunidad marginal de Medell铆n, Colombia

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    Background: Intestinal parasitism is still a public health problem. It has not been thoroughly studied in Medellin, Colombia. Objective: To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in residents of a marginal community in Medellin and to evaluate the validity, efficiency and reliability of direct examination in its diagnosis. Methods: Cross-sectional study and evaluation of diagnostic tests. Data were collected from a primary information source. Proportions with their confidence intervals were calculated; non-parametric statistical tests and analysis of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, negative likelihood ratio and kappa were done. Results: Prevalence of parasites, according to the results of the concentration test, was 74.4%. Evaluation was done for intestinal parasites in general and for the following categories: protozoa, helminthes, commensals and pathogens. Sensitivity war over 68%, specificity and positive predictive value were 100%, negative predictive value was over 74%, negative likelihood ratio was less than 0.32, kappa was greater than 0.77 and efficiency was over 90%. Conclusion: Prevalence of intestinal parasitism is as high as it was three decades ago; its solution needs prompt and effective intervention of health authorities. The tests available for its study, including direct examination of stools, are of high diagnostic value

    Monitoring potentially pathogenic protists in sewage sludge using Metataxonomics

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    Intestinal parasites continue to pose a significant threat to human health worldwide, particularly among children. Contaminated water and soil serve as major transmission vehicles for these parasites and intestinal protists are among the most prevalent parasites in both developed and developing nations. Traditionally, parasites have been studied using human or animal fecal samples, while studying them in environmental samples has been challenging due to technical limitations. However, advancements in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and bioinformatic approaches now enable the detection of parasite DNA in environmental samples. In this study, we applied a metataxonomic and phylogenetic strategy to detect and classify DNA of protists present in sewage sludge from two major cities in Colombia: Medellin and Cali. We successfully detected several human pathogenic parasites including Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, and Blastocystis sp., among other protists, in all sludge samples examined. We also investigated the entry and exit of parasite DNA from the San Fernando wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). We observed a higher number of parasite DNA sequences in the plant's influent wastewater, but we also detected the discharge of DNA from pathogenic parasites in both effluent waters and biosolids

    Caracterizaci贸n de bios贸lidos generados en la planta de tratamiento de agua residual san fernando, itag眉铆 (antioquia, colombia)

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    Objetivo Realizar la caracterizaci贸n f铆sico-qu铆mica, microbiol贸gica y parasitol贸gica聽en bios贸lidos generados en la planta de tratamiento de agua residual San聽Fernando, Itag眉铆 (Antioquia, Colombia).M茅todos Se analizaron 12 muestras de bios贸lido tomadas cada mes, de enero聽a diciembre de 2010 a las cuales se les realiz贸 un an谩lisis f铆sico-qu铆mico y聽microbiol贸gico de acuerdo a lo establecido en la Norma T茅cnica Colombiana 5167.Para la determinaci贸n y viabilidad de huevos de helmintos se sigui贸 el protocolo聽descrito en la Norma Oficial Mexicana 004 con modificaciones.Resultados En las doce muestras analizadas, se encontr贸 una concentraci贸n de聽huevos de Ascaris lumbricoides en un rango entre 4 a 22 huevos viables/2g ST.Salmonella estuvo presente en todas las muestras y las Enterobacterias estuvieron聽en una concentraci贸n m铆nima de 3000 UFC/g. La concentraci贸n de los metales聽pesados estuvo dentro de los valores recomendados por la norma. Los macro y聽micronutrientes cumplieron con los par谩metros establecidos para los materiales聽org谩nicos usados como abonos. No hubo asociaci贸n entre la precipitaci贸n y el聽contenido de pat贸genos en los bios贸lidos.Conclusi贸n Los bios贸lidos generados en la planta San Fernando tienen un gran聽potencial para ser usados como abono org谩nico, no obstante, deben ser sometidos聽a procesos de sanitizaci贸n con el prop贸sito de cumplir con los par谩metros indicados聽en la Norma NTC 5167